Operating System: Other
Availability at Mada Center : Out of Stock
C-PEN DictionaryPen™ a robust, portable, pocket-sized translator pen that easily translates and pronounces single words. DictionaryPen is a major technological breakthrough for anyone working or studying in a “second language”. The embedded camera and OCR technology enables “zero click” lookup or translation of words. Simply pass the nib across a word and it instantly displays the definition and reads the word.
The pen dictionary include nine (9) OXFORD Academic and English Language Teaching (ELT) dictionaries supporting six different languages. It’s a totally portable, pocket-sized device that pronounces the looked up word with a human like natural speaking voice.
Additional Information:
Manufacturer: C-Pen (https://cpen.com/)
C-Pen DictionaryPen Introduction:
C-Pen DitionaryPen User Guide: https://cpen.com/kb-article/dictionarypen-user-guide/
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