This type of assistive technology provides solutions that support visual stimuli and support the sense of shape, size and color. Individuals who may benefit from this technology include persons who are blind, persons with low vision, or those with conditions that limit their ability to recognize visual stimuli.

Braille Devices

Braille Devices

Braille is a tactile writing system for persons who are visually impaired. Users can choose from a variety of braille-based devices, such as a Braille note-taker or a Braille display.

Magnifying Devices


Magnifiers help persons with low vision access traditional written materials (i.e. books, magazines, product labels, etc.) and enlarge screens.

Screen Readers

Reading Devices & Screen Readers

AT within this category assists blind or visually impaired persons, through devices and software programs, by reading aloud texts displayed on computer screens or printed books.

Daily Environmental Control

Daily Environmental Control

AT for environmental adaptations or controls allows facilitated manipulation and operation of devices in the user’s home, workplace, and in public.
AT in this category can be beneficial for persons with visual impairments to access and navigate their environment independently.


Gaming & Entertainment

Gaming and entertainment is vital for a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. AT for gaming and entertainment provides accessible solutions to participate in and enjoy activities such as gaming, listening to music, or watching TV,  for people with visual impairments.